Parallax Center

Parallax Center, Inc.

Outpatient Chemical Dependence Treatment Program
145 E. 32nd Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10016

The Parallax Center is an outpatient substance abuse treatment program in New York City. In January 2009, after 20 years of developing the Parallax Center’s programs in the role of Clinical Director, I changed positions and became the Director of Special Projects and Development. In this new capacity, I work closely with the Executive Director, David Ockert, PhD, to:

• Direct and coordinate the development of new Parallax Center programs and endeavors,

• Create training materials, especially in the area of substance abuse treatment technology application,

• Do presentations and trainings on behalf of the Parallax Center on treatment technology, new treatment approaches and research findings,

• Supervise and manage funded research projects, analyze research statistical data and co-author articles and reports concerning research findings, and

• Provide direction to staff in the review and application of policies and practices, especially concerning clinical best practices, staff management, regulatory compliance and professional liability.